A Rush Of Excitement

As he locked the door behind him, she smiled. “You look beautiful, Regina. Love your outfit, Regina.” She chuckled. “Get undressed. NOW.” Sitting behind the large desk, She watched with pride as he began to take off his uniform. he was tall, strong, confident. And he was all Hers. A rush of excitement flowed throughout her entire body. Her smile grew into a mischievous grin. She stood up, walked toward him and shook Her finger in his face. “The boy is incredibly rude. Actions have consequences. Does he understand?” he gasps as She traced across his shoulder blades with Her fingers. “The boy understands, Regina.” She glanced behind her at the nameplate on his desk. “The boy isn’t an important soldier right now…the boy is a piece of flesh to be used any way I see fit.” As he dropped his underwear to the floor he said, “the boy understands, Regina.” She picked up the nameplate and placed it face down on the floor. As he stood naked, She circled and surveyed him. he held his head down, looking at the name plate. She whispered, “The boy knows what to do.” he raised his head but kept his eyes lowered. “the boy does, Regina.” he locked his fingers behind his head, looked down at the floor, took a deep breath, and waited. She placed a blindfold on him and then stood behind him…silently…for what seemed like an eternity. “The boy seems pretty happy right now. I don’t like that.” he listens as Her voice gets further away. “The boy understands, Regina.” he hears a clanking sound. The sound of Her bracelets as she moved? A belt buckle? Restraints? What was it? “What does the boy tell his soldiers? Ahh, yes…DROP!” he immediately drops to his knees, keeping his hands in position but slightly losing his balance. he focused on trying to remember each detail of her outfit. The form fitting skirt. The sheer blouse. The fishnet stockings. Those MAGNIFICENT heels. Even though he is cold, naked, blindfolded and kneeling, he was in HEAVEN. Yet he knew She had devilish things in store for him.

Okay, BREATHE, y’all! Lol. CFNM, the acronym for Clothed Female Naked/Nude Male is a kink for a clothed woman while a nearby male is entirely naked/nude and is often used as part of a Female led scene and/or dynamic. It is important to note that people of any gender identities or gender presentations can participate in CFNM. All that this kink requires is two people in two various states of dress. However, for the sake of simplicity and the name of the kink, this girl will go with the words that fit the acronym. Even the most unkinky folks can agree that there’s something inherently vulnerable about being naked in front of another person. To be naked in more ways than one. In CFNM, being naked and vulnerable, while another person is fully clothed and in charge, only reinforces the concept someone else having power over them.

The sheer simplicity of this kink feeds into people’s love for it as well. The kink is so clear that many people who are into it can pinpoint the exact moment they fell in love with it. Maybe it was their first girlfriend, daydreams about a Teacher/Librarian/other ladies they viewed as authoritative but were too nervous to ever undress them. As a result all of the sex was with him being the only one who ends up naked. Maybe it was someone she imagined being naked, vulnerable and at her mercy.

In addition to being vulnerable, a lot of male submissives/bottoms have said that the kink feels extremely sensual and intimate for them. In most cases where a woman is asking/telling them to get naked, they become nearly breathless in anticipation of the things that may take place in their immediate future. Just the stripping down in itself can become an amazingly kinky experience. Well, this girl assumes Y/y’all have figured out the basics by now. The acting female is fully clothed in whatever clothing works in the moment. The male will end up naked/nude. This is pretty much the basic set-up for any CFNM scene Y/you choose to explore.

Now, however the participants decide to shake things up from here is completely up to T/them. Using only clothing, the experience can be changed even further. Will the woman be wearing a powerful business outfit which will add to the Top/bottom/Dominant/submissive roles? Will the she be wearing lingerie – as a further sexual tease in a situation where the bottom is unable to hide his excitement and/or desire for her? Will the female dominant be wearing her comfortable, everyday clothes to further emphasize the point that she doesn’t think he’s worth dressing up for in a humiliation scene? Hmmm….the possibilities, Y/y’all!!!

You can mess around with the bottom’s “outfit” too. Sure, naked is the basic expectation of CFNM, but even CFNM allows more than just basic nudity! Are you into chastity? A chastity cage can further enforce who is in charge. What about outside of the clothing? Don’t forget that CFNM is usually used as an exciting “part” of a scene – not necessarily the scene itself. This kink can be mixed with any other kink(s) you want to do at the moment, with any aspect of kink Y/you had in mind.
Just plan the clothing accordingly, and Y/you could even turn Y/your regular Wednesday movie night into a light mixture of foreplay with CFNM involved.

Pssst…Please keep in mind that CFNM is not exclusive to those in defined roles on specific sides of the slash, Y/y’all.

Okey dokey…that’s it for now. Let your imagination run amok and keep it safe and sensational, Y’all! Until next time…

~ His Duchess

Regina Charlisa

Regina Charlisa, aka Valkyrie, has been a part of the Community for over 20 years and counting. her journey began in Italy. she been trained as a Dominatrix. And after a divorce, after exploration and assessment, she was drawn to the right sight of the slash. she is now the Collared slave of The FLYGOD. she uses her decades of experience as a Master Trainer for the Department Of Defense to help people in and outside of the Community. she has spent time Mentoring and guiding many and shares her love of learning every opportunity she is given.

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