
Finding a Mentor

Finding a Mentor

There are guides and mentors in every area of life and situation. In BDSMit is oftentimes recommended that those who are new to BDSM acquire amentor but are really never given the tools to find a mentor that is rightfor them. I know that when I first started out, I was quite fortunate tofind good…

Becoming the New Norm

Becoming the New Norm

Fetish Sex, Kink and D/s BDSM are oftentimes the most vilified, feared and misunderstood dimension of our sexual nature.  For centuries, culture, religion, morality, and family, have tried to nullify all but the most rudimentary dimensions of our sexual nature, and project their own superstition and fear onto anything that deviates from their narrow view….

The Daily Struggle

The Daily Struggle

How to help guide and monitor ones S type  One of the very asked, yet hard to define questions about living a 24\7 dynamic are the “How-tos.” How to do this. How to do that. Et cetera,  et cetera,  you get the idea. For me, in my experience, through trial and error,  it is best…

What Makes a “Good” Dominant

What Makes a “Good” Dominant

Anyone who talks about BDSM often spends a lot of time talking about the posers, wannabes, and fake Dominants…Myself included. Part of it is out of necessity. It seems as if every single day, I come across someone who dropped every bit of common sense in the name of submission. These are the people need…

Creating the Scene

Creating the Scene

“How do I create a scene?”  This is a question that seems to get asked a lot, but the truth is, a scene is personal. Limits, wants, and desires are different for everyone. However, these are a few helpful tips you can use to design the scene of your fantasies.  Location, Location, Location Where will…

Horsing Around

Horsing Around

That’s right, we’re talking about pony play. What is ponyplay? Ponyplay is a type of role play within the pet play family, in which the bottom assumes the role of an equid. The bottom may be referred to as a ponygirl or ponyboy. During pony play, the Trainer/Owner is typically the Top or Dominant.  Pony…



What is aftercare? Scenes can be both physically and emotionally demanding and intense. Aftercare is simply the care and extra consideration, both physically and emotionally, that is given after a scene. It is also important to remember that aftercare is not just for bottoms, but can be for Tops as well. A Top experiences physical…

I’m Begging You…

I’m Begging You…

“Begging is a term for the act of pleading with another person for something” When it comes to begging both the verbal and the physical play an important role and one should decide what attributes interest them, and when and how they prefer it and express it to their partner. Some Physical Signs Of Begging:…