“Reality Check!”
Okay, y’all…this girl has questions. That concludes THIS Reality Check. There will be more. Thanks for reading. ~ His Duchess

Not Just An Iconic Song
Dungeon nights were always interesting for her. Especially when she was a Monitor. One summer night she watched as the guests arrived. Some were new while others were frequent visitors. Then she focused on a striking couple that just walked in. Confident, immaculately dressed, and poised. They found a seat toward the front and sat…

Swimming With Sharks
she logged in less than five minutes ago and it has already begun. Checking her messages, she saw the usual “I saw your post/picture/comment” messages. Some completely benign; others positively Cringeworthy. Taking a deep breath, she settled in for another round of “Interesting or Cringey?” Another day…Another opportunity to learn. BDSM is like an ocean…with…

A Flood Of Emotions
There have been MANY times that this girl has cried but wasn’t sad. Sharing the very first time with y’all today. It was a hot muggy Autumn day in Italy. As she greeted clients and dealt with paperwork her mind wandered. Tonight can’t get here fast enough!!! She had her bags packed and she was…

This one is boring. You will probably stop reading. Chances are that you’ll never read this Column again. But…here goes nothin’. The Bartender smiled and said, “What can I get ya, hon?” As she scanned the back patio she realized that she felt out of place. She turned back to the Bartender, smiled and said,…

Pillars And Puzzles
Okay…so who likes puzzles? this girl certainly does! Yet some puzzles give her the blues lol. Like the ones you ALMOST have figured out but the final pieces prove to be a challenge that frustrates the hell out of us lol. Enough about that for now lol. So…It’s been a hectic week, y’all. this girl…

A Solo Mission
Heyyyy, y’all! Let’s talk about Kegels, shall we? Both men and women can benefit from Kegel exercises. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles helps urine stay in the bladder, which may ease incontinence symptoms. Kegel exercises can have sexual benefits as well. Some men find that their erectile function improves after doing Kegel exercises for some…

The message read, “Your outfit is in the garment bag in your closet. You have 1 hour.”she read it twice. And then her mind started racing. Had she missed something? Was this a celebration? A setup? As she started to let her Anxiety overtake her, she received another message. “Now u have 57 minutes. Not…

She watched as he addressed the reporters asking him questions. His uniform was pristine; his posture and hand gestures were perfect. She was very proud of him. When it was her turn to speak, she was equally poised. But then she heard something that slightly sounded like…is that…laughter?! He was laughing and joking…during her interview….

“Lock & Key”
Once Upon A Time when she was on the other side of the slash… It was a hectic day at work. she worked outside and during December in Germany, driving a forklift can be brutal. As she drove toward the loading dock, she saw him. The Warehouse Supervisor. The Soldier in charge. Standing there, looking…