A Solo Mission
Heyyyy, y’all! Let’s talk about Kegels, shall we? Both men and women can benefit from Kegel exercises. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles helps urine stay in the bladder, which may ease incontinence symptoms. Kegel exercises can have sexual benefits as well. Some men find that their erectile function improves after doing Kegel exercises for some…

Managing Your Poly Relationships
Many people assume polyamorists spend a lot of time having sex. In reality, they spend a lot of time keeping their relationships organized. While things look bleak right now for those who believe that everyone has a right to consensual sexual pleasure…To live free of hate and fear, to have access to sexual health services,…

Gentleman D/Types or “Gentle-Doms”
Being Dominant is not a replacement for having a personality. Some tend to think that it is and if they can be Dominant, then it would help them to associate with people who would not associate with them in the “vanilla” world. I guess this is why one of my classifications in the world of…

She watched as he addressed the reporters asking him questions. His uniform was pristine; his posture and hand gestures were perfect. She was very proud of him. When it was her turn to speak, she was equally poised. But then she heard something that slightly sounded like…is that…laughter?! He was laughing and joking…during her interview….

“Lock & Key”
Once Upon A Time when she was on the other side of the slash… It was a hectic day at work. she worked outside and during December in Germany, driving a forklift can be brutal. As she drove toward the loading dock, she saw him. The Warehouse Supervisor. The Soldier in charge. Standing there, looking…

As a 24 year old Army Spouse in Italy, life was good. she was a Receptionist and even had an important role in the Community. Mrs. B had been spending her mornings helping with a Coupon Exchange and Contest. They talked and laughed about life. Mrs. B was smart, funny, MAGNETIC and sexy. And bi…

“Tune Up Time!”
“Use your words.” she stood across the bed from Him. she made a fist and dug her thumbnail into her palm until it hurt. It felt…GLORIOUS. But it wasn’t enough. He stood completely still, eyes locked on her. He glanced at her hand. “Still nothing, huh?” His face changed. Was that…a frown? “Humble.” she immediately…

“Let’s go, my toy soldier.” After sitting at the table in the back, watching everyone, it was time. The heat rushed to his face. His heart was pounding out of his chest. Searching Regina’s face for an indication of what he should be feeling, he was rewarded with a smile and a wink before being…

“Surviving The Fall”
He did that thing she loved! she was in the shower, singing loudly, off key like a MF. she caught herself and laughed. Girl, that was a week ago! Regroup! she smiled as she remembered how He was prepared to pamper her, but she asked to be left alone. He graciously obliged her, but brought…