So, you’re really 24/7? Really?

We hear the term 24/7 all the time in the lifestyle, I myself say it every day. But is there really any such thing? That would mean that life never gets in the way and that vanilla never comes into play. So, what exactly does 24/7 mean? Well if you take it literally, it means that the individuals that are involved in the dynamic are bound by the protocols of that dynamic 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It means that the protocols come before everything else in life. Now we all know that while that sounds like a perfect world, none of us actually live in a perfect world. And at the end of the day we are also all human and prone to making tons of mistakes, as well as allowing our emotions to sometimes get the best of us. A couple personal examples; As a Master to my slave, the kinky smurf, I strive to be levelheaded when dealing with her. However, I can be a hothead from time to time to say the least. So, when I lose my temper and act in a way that is not honorable according to my definition, I technically have broken my own protocols that I have set for myself. Or how about when I give my slave an order and she makes that disgusted face, you know those kinds that drive you nuts. Even though she will absolutely do as asked, her emotions got the better of her because it was something she didn’t want to do in the first place. However, it is written in our protocols that she serves with grace, and I don’t know how you look at things, but a shitty face is not serving with grace. But she is still only human, and emotions are a real part of her and all of our daily lives. And is hiding those emotions really the right move? I don’t think so.

So, with that being said and the millions of other examples that could be shared, is there really anyone who lives a real 24/7 dynamic LS? My answer is a loudly shouted YES…

See living 24/7 is in the striving to live by a set of mutually agreed upon and beneficial protocols. It’s the journey that makes the dynamic special. Always trying to be better for each other and to fulfill the bonds of your agreements to each other. Nowhere in life is perfection expected or even thought of as possible. So why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect in our dynamics? Why do we not give ourselves and our partners the understanding that no one and nothing is perfect? Does that come from a place of trying to prove ourselves to the community? Does it come from a place and desire to be the perfect Dom or sub? I don’t know the why’s, but I do know that putting that kind of pressure on each other will only end in massive disappointment and most likely a doomed dynamic.

So yes, 24/7 exists and all that means is that we live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week trying to be a better version of ourselves for both us and our partner. It means we do our best to live within the confines of our consensually and mutually agreed upon covenants and that we are focused on self and team growth every day.

Enjoy this journey folks and remember that it is not always so easy and/or cut and dry.

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