
Brutal Honesty

Brutal Honesty

The Non Negotiable Foundation of a Power Exchange Dynamic When stepping into a new power exchange dynamic, there’s one rule you can’t afford to fudge, dance around or sugarcoat, be brutally honest about your needs, wants and desires. Not “hint at,” not “hope they’ll just understand,” not “assume it’ll all work out.” Full, unfiltered, cards-on-the-table…

Safety is the Subject

Safety is the Subject

Welp…here she is AGAIN…restrained and ready. Also anxious and excited. Then her favorite sound…HIS VOICE. “Before the gag is in place, let’s review the taps, slave.” she steadied herself and said, “One tap for physical, Lord. Two taps for mental, Lord. Three taps for spiritual, Lord. Four taps for emotional, Lord.” He lovingly squeezed her…

The Cat’s Out Of The Bag!

The Cat’s Out Of The Bag!

Okay…let’s get into this. Some of U/us spent years leading double lives. W/we work, socialize, raise families, etc…all while having desires and needs that most folks might consider dangerous. Losing custody of children, breaking the law type dangerous. So W/we kept a large part of who W/we truly are hidden. We might do this because…

‘Sup, Y/y’all! Who’s familiar with “Words have power?” this girl is fairly certain that W/we all have heard it or even said it before. But in what context? To some folks that phrase has more significance than it does to others. Words DEFINITELY have power, Y/y’all. So let’s look at how powerful some words and…

Handling Arguments

Handling Arguments

I think one reason that the answer did not come to me straight away is that Dahlia and I do not argue on a regular basis. I would have to say we have one or two major disagreements a year that would be considered a relationship argument.  For the sake of comparison, my ex and I…