“W/we Need U/us!”
How many of Y/you have seen the movie “Backdraft?” The firefighters had a motto whenever one of them was about to fall and the others grabbed them and held on. They would say, “You go…WE GO!” That has stuck with this girl all these years. To be so committed to someone that you would risk…

Your First BDSM Scene
Most partners engaging in BDSM for the first time do have challenges trying to plan on how they want the whole session to go. Indeed, planning such scenes can be quite personal, however, the guidelines below to help you plan better. -Create your goals You will have to decide on your expectations and the roles…

“Once Upon A Time…” She walked in and began to kneel. He said, “No…Inspection.” She obeyed. She looked at Him; His eyes were…different. She looked down; the slap was quick and sharp. She wasn’t expecting it. Her eyes watered. Her cheek burned. Her mouth watered. Is that…blood? Suddenly His hand was on her arm, lifting…

Starting and Stopping
ne·go·ti·a·tion /nəˌɡōSHēˈāSH(ə)n noun Heyyy, Y/y’all! Entering into a BDSM relationship is much like getting into any other type of relationship. However it is also unlike many relationships in many ways. The old phrase “knowledge is power” holds true for anyone who is considering getting into a BDSM relationship and signing a contract. Getting that knowledge…

Releasing the Inner Animal
*cue tribal drums* All of us have it…An aggressive inner force, an animalistic energy that we encounter occasionally, usually in times of extreme emotional or physical duress. Sometimes it comes to our aid, allowing the proverbial 100lb mother to lift a car off her injured child situation. Sometimes it lashes out at random, injuring or killing…

A Constant Adventure
Heyyy, Y/y’all! Okay, so Y/you see something that intrigues Y/you and say to yourself, “S/self…I like that! I think I am using/trying that one!” Okay GREAT! But will Y/you research it first? Find out if it is physically/mentally/emotionally/ financially possible to incorporate into Y/your dynamic(s)? Y/you know all the folks that saw “The Movies” that…

Drugs, Alcohol and the Scene
Disclaimer: Just a reminder that these opinions are mine and mine alone based on what I have personally witnessed or heard throughout my journey that I want to share with you. Just as we all know that we should not drink/do drugs and operate a motor vehicle plenty of people among us still do. Often…

Location, Location,LOCATION!!!
Heyyy, y’all! O/our Thing is vast, exciting, challenging, exhilarating and exhausting under ideal circumstances. But add lack of opportunity to that mix and things can get even more interesting. There are folks who live in rural areas or metropolitan but less Kink positive cities. That sucks, right? Imagine trying to live your best kinky life…

Handling Arguments
I think one reason that the answer did not come to me straight away is that Dahlia and I do not argue on a regular basis. I would have to say we have one or two major disagreements a year that would be considered a relationship argument. For the sake of comparison, my ex and I…

In Position Part 3: Admittance of Error/Coming Clean
Part Three of a Ten part Series Greetings to all you wonderful readers out there. Today I hope to inspire the mind by continuing on Positioning of a slave/sub. We have already experienced the commands of kneeling and in service. Last week we spoke about the How-to’s of s-type positioning when one is incapable due…