kinky smurf

Digital Desires: Kink Friendly Dating Apps and How to Use Them

Digital Desires: Kink Friendly Dating Apps and How to Use Them

Today Free the Kinkers, we are going to talk about going to the internet to fulfill our desires. That’s right, we are talking about kink friendly dating apps! In today’s digital age, finding like-minded souls to explore your kinks and passions with has never been easier, thanks to the rise of kink friendly dating apps….

Creating the Perfect BDSM Dungeon at Home

Creating the Perfect BDSM Dungeon at Home

Take your playtime to the next level by creating the perfect dungeon at home. Transforming your space into a private playground of pleasure is an exciting and rewarding endeavor, no matter whether you’re a seasoned player or a curious novice. Get ready to ignite your imagination and unleash your desire! Step 1: Find the Right…

The Art of the Pinch

The Art of the Pinch

Thlipsosis is described as the fetish for being pinched or pinching a partner.Even if you don’t have a kink or fetish for this per se, you might be surprised at all the ways it can be used. The pinch is the squeezing of the skin whether it be with the thumb and the finger, with…

Worship the D

Worship the D

She was knelt before him, the outline of his cock calling to her only inches away. His symbol of power and potency firm and erect as she grasped his zipper between her teeth. Gently she unbuttoned his pants with her hands and pulled back and down on his zipper easing his pants down and his…

Let’s Talk About Prostate Massages

Let’s Talk About Prostate Massages

Some refer to the prostate as the male g-spot, and massaging it just right can blow the mind of about any guy. The prostate gland produces the majority of a man’s ejaculation fluid. The massaging of the prostate gland can have a significant impact on the sensation of a man’s orgasm; creating a longer, deeper…

Squirt Can Happen

Squirt Can Happen

Female ejaculation, an elusive notion for some, squirt is something most have never experienced. It’s true that some women blow like Old Faithful but there are others, like myself, that felt this feat was possibly unattainable. Turns out, it really wasn’t, we just needed to get a little technical. Prep First:  Make sure you have…



What is aftercare? Scenes can be both physically and emotionally demanding and intense. Aftercare is simply the care and extra consideration, both physically and emotionally, that is given after a scene. It is also important to remember that aftercare is not just for bottoms, but can be for Tops as well. A Top experiences physical…

Playing With Your Fruit

Playing With Your Fruit

There are so many awesome ways to use and incorporate food and especially fruit into the bedroom but for this article we’re going to focus on the grapefruit. That’s right grape fruiting, pioneered by Auntie Angel, this is a blowjob technique that is said to be mind blowing.  What is it?  Simply put. It involves…

The Wide World of Gags

The Wide World of Gags

Gags are generally used to inhibit use of the mouth by inserting something into it to prevent speech or noise or to keep it open.    In the world of kink, the purpose for the use of gag can be so much more far-reaching. It could be the sight, control, or even the function it…

Bite Me (Odaxelagnia)

Bite Me (Odaxelagnia)

The feeling of teeth sinking into the skin makes her gasp. Her excitement begins to race as his sharp, sweet grip tightens and pulls on her flesh until it begins to break. Feeling a little warm? If this gets you all aroused and sounds like an amazing time, you may just have a little kink or…