A Solo Mission
Heyyyy, y’all! Let’s talk about Kegels, shall we? Both men and women can benefit from Kegel exercises. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles helps urine stay in the bladder, which may ease incontinence symptoms. Kegel exercises can have sexual benefits as well. Some men find that their erectile function improves after doing Kegel exercises for some…

Managing Your Poly Relationships
Many people assume polyamorists spend a lot of time having sex. In reality, they spend a lot of time keeping their relationships organized. While things look bleak right now for those who believe that everyone has a right to consensual sexual pleasure…To live free of hate and fear, to have access to sexual health services,…

The message read, “Your outfit is in the garment bag in your closet. You have 1 hour.”she read it twice. And then her mind started racing. Had she missed something? Was this a celebration? A setup? As she started to let her Anxiety overtake her, she received another message. “Now u have 57 minutes. Not…

Gentleman D/Types or “Gentle-Doms”
Being Dominant is not a replacement for having a personality. Some tend to think that it is and if they can be Dominant, then it would help them to associate with people who would not associate with them in the “vanilla” world. I guess this is why one of my classifications in the world of…

She watched as he addressed the reporters asking him questions. His uniform was pristine; his posture and hand gestures were perfect. She was very proud of him. When it was her turn to speak, she was equally poised. But then she heard something that slightly sounded like…is that…laughter?! He was laughing and joking…during her interview….