Needs vs. Wants in Relationships
The Ultimate Balancing Act When it comes to relationships, deciphering what you need versus what you want can feel like a tug of war between your inner toddler and your adult self. On one hand, you might think, “I need my partner to bring me breakfast in bed every Sunday.” But do you really need…

How to Keep the Spark Alive
Let’s face it, even the most passionate of relationships can slip into a comfortable rhythm over time. You’ve gone from all night marathons of affection to, well, binge watching Netflix in separate blankets. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, we all love a cozy night in, maintaining excitement in your intimate life can feel…

Recognizing the Signs of Gaslighting – Shedding Light on Manipulative Tactics
Gaslighting, a term derived from the play and subsequent movie “Gas Light,” refers to a form of psychological manipulation that aims to make the victim question their perception of reality, memory, and sanity. Gaslighting can occur in personal relationships, workplaces, and even in larger social or political contexts. Identifying the signs of gaslighting is crucial…

Nurturing Healing – How a Dominant Can Support Their Submissive in Dealing with Past Traumas
In the realm of BDSM, the relationship between a Dominant and a submissive is built on trust, communication, and understanding. It is not uncommon for submissives to have past traumas that can affect their well being and ability to fully engage in a power exchange dynamic. In such cases, it is essential for the Dominant…

5 Effective Tips for Cultivating Intimacy in Your Relationship
Intimacy is an essential aspect of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. It goes beyond physical affection and encompasses emotional, intellectual, and spiritual connections between partners. However, in the hustle and bustle of daily life, maintaining intimacy can sometimes become challenging. To help you deepen your bond and foster a stronger connection with your partner, here…

If you have come across articles that I have posted from time to time, you should already know two things about me…. I am passionate about BDSM and I am a huge advocate for Polyamory. I mean really…At this point, practically everyone has heard of polyamory…A form of consensual non-monogamy in which people have multiple romantic and/or…

“A Firm Foundation”
foun·da·tion /founˈdāSH(ə)n/ (noun) an underlying basis or principle. Heyyy, y’all! E/every one of U/us can agree that O/our Thing has evolved through the years. What W/we can NOT seem to agree on is if all of the changes are good ones or not lol. So let’s take a look at a few things that will…

Handling Arguments
I think one reason that the answer did not come to me straight away is that Dahlia and I do not argue on a regular basis. I would have to say we have one or two major disagreements a year that would be considered a relationship argument. For the sake of comparison, my ex and I…