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Why Mindset Matters: The Power of Positivity in Power Exchange

Why Mindset Matters: The Power of Positivity in Power Exchange

Life isn’t all sunshine, orgasms and perfectly executed protocols. Sometimes, it’s tough. Work sucks. Bills pile up. Stress sneaks in, like an uninvited guest who won’t leave. And in a power exchange dynamic, both Dominants and submissives can feel the weight of these everyday struggles. But here’s the kicker, your mindset can make or break…



What. A. Day. Work was awesome! Got everything done eat because everyone worked together! As she walked out of the building, she was floating. As she started her drive home, she was singing and smiling. Her phone dinged. And then, it hit her. Dungeon Time tonight. “$h!t! Is my hair okay? Will my outfit be…

Navigating Insecurity in Kink and BDSM

Navigating Insecurity in Kink and BDSM

Kink and BDSM, like any intimate relationship, comes with their unique challenges and complexities. Among the most prevalent issues that can arise is insecurity, which can manifest in various forms, such as doubts about one’s worth, fear of being replaced, or uncertainty about one’s role. Acknowledging, addressing, and managing insecurity is crucial for health and…

Needs vs. Wants in Relationships

Needs vs. Wants in Relationships

The Ultimate Balancing Act When it comes to relationships, deciphering what you need versus what you want can feel like a tug of war between your inner toddler and your adult self. On one hand, you might think, “I need my partner to bring me breakfast in bed every Sunday.” But do you really need…

BDSM and Mental Health

BDSM and Mental Health

Balancing Pleasure and Well-being Welcome explorers of desire! Are you ready to take a dive deep into an essential yet often overlooked aspect of BDSM, mental health. Engaging in BDSM can be thrilling, transformative, and deeply fulfilling, but it also requires a keen awareness of emotional well being. Let’s explore how to balance the intoxicating…

Embracing Your Kinky Self

Embracing Your Kinky Self

Let’s explore the empowering and exhilarating intersection of BDSM and body positivity. Whether you’ve been in the scene for a while or are a curious newbie, embracing your kinky self while celebrating your body is a journey that can lead to profound self-acceptance, confidence, and joy. These are just a few tips, insights, and a…

Slippery When Wet

Slippery When Wet

Calm down,  I am talking about lube.  Lube is super important addition to all types of play, it can help prevent friction burn and prolong fun. But there are so many! How do you choose?Hopefully this will help next time you’re searching for that perfect one. Water Based:  Positive features 1. Condom safe  2. Easy…