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She was knelt before him, the outline of his cock calling to her only inches away. His symbol of power and potency firm and erect as she grasped his zipper between her teeth. Gently she unbuttoned his pants with her hands and pulled back and down on his zipper easing his pants down and his hard cock out. She breathed her warm breath slowly onto his tip. Tracing her hands around the base of his member. “I love your powerful cock” she whispers as she takes him into her mouth. Her tongue spirals down his shaft, up and down. Her hands massaging and playing with his testicles. She loses herself in the sensations of adoration and affection…

If there’s nothing that gets you going more than the adulation of your partner’s cock, cock worship might just be your thing.

What is cock worship?
It’s about an over abundance of attention and affection shown to a cock, real or otherwise. Many even have celebrations or rituals around this. Cock worship is so much more than just some epic handy or blow job. It’s about the adoration, the lavishing of focus the cock is shown and the empowerment the cock itself has.

The worship of cock is timeless, many ancient cultures revered and even erected statues in its honor. There is even some debate about the resemblance in even some modern day structures. From the ancient to the modern, the cock has long been a preoccupation.

Cock worship can incorporate so many aspects from the sensual to the spiritual. It can also be full of celebration, ceremony and ritual. The act may be a demonstration of submission or Domination or have a degradation or humiliation component to it. The only object really is to bestow so much attention and pleasure that it builds and creates a mind blowing experience for the receiver.

Here are a few tips to get you started along the way of creating your ultimate cock worshipping session,

Set the scene
Create an inviting, sensual environment. Make sure it has the right ambiance. If you planned any kind of ritual or ceromony, you’ll definitely want to make sure everything is ready before hand. Nothing like having to run and back and forth for items to kill the mood. If you’re struggling for a few ideas on some things that might help set the mood, try some of these:

-silk sheets
-rose petals
-massage oils

The possibilities are endless, they’re only limited by your imagination in ways you can praise cock.

Positions and The Visual Aspect
What is the right position? The truth is there is no wrong position, it is usually preferable that at least the cock is comfortable, otherwise it may not be as enjoyable and that’s not what we’re going for here. However having the receiver lying down on their back propped up can be a comfortable position and has a great added visual aspect to it as well. There can be a real visual component to cock worship. This position allows for the one receiving the worship to watch all that attention being lavished on them.

Be Connected
Be in the moment and connect with your partner and their body. Focus on your partner, how much you want to excite them and how excited it makes you. Get into it and stay in the moment. Take in your partner’s unique taste and smell. Make eye contact, as you touch them. Be genuine in your words and excitement.

Take Your Time
This is not about trying to get your partner off, it’s about taking the time to worship every inch of them. Lick, rub, praise and appreciate them tip to bottom.

Vocalize It
Use your words. Describe how good they look and how good they feel in your hands. Tell them how excited it makes you to be in their cock’s presence. Ask them what feels good and what they want. Most of all, be real.

Incorporate Your Hands and Mouth
Use both your hands to slowly to rub and massage up and down their member. Save the rapid action for another time and instead work the cock with slow, deep massaging motions, starting at the tip and working down the shaft. Massage oils can also make this experience more pleasurable. Don’t forget to get your mouth involved in the massaging action as well. Just like the hands, focus on taking them slowly and deeply in your mouth. You can use hands and mouth in tandem when worshipping to increase the amount of attention you’re showing to their cock.

Cock worship can be erotic and intense for both involved. Just remember this one of those things that’s about the journey, not the destination.


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Playing With Your Fruit https://freethekink.com/playing-with-your-fruit/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=playing-with-your-fruit https://freethekink.com/playing-with-your-fruit/#respond Sun, 15 Mar 2020 03:15:20 +0000 https://freethekink.com/?p=558 There are so many awesome ways to use and incorporate food and especially fruit into the bedroom but for this article we’re going to focus on the grapefruit. That’s right grape fruiting, pioneered by Auntie Angel, this is a blowjob technique that is said to be mind blowing.  What is it?  Simply put. It involves...

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There are so many awesome ways to use and incorporate food and especially fruit into the bedroom but for this article we’re going to focus on the grapefruit. That’s right grape fruiting, pioneered by Auntie Angel, this is a blowjob technique that is said to be mind blowing. 

What is it? 

Simply put. It involves sliding a grapefruit up and down a man’s shaft while giving him a blowjob. It is said to embody the feeling of both sex and a blowjob, all at the same time.

How does it work?

First, get that grapefruit ready. The fruit should mimic a mouth or a vagina so Angel recommends a room or warmer temperature, to achieve this effect. Let the grapefruit sit and become room temperature and then run the grapefruit under warm water. Make sure to test it to make sure it’s not too hot. Using the microwave isn’t recommended due to uneven or overheating because after all, you don’t want to make your encounter hot that way (ouch). Others who have tried the technique have also suggested refrigerated may be the way to go, but Angel says that could make the experience a real miss for your partner. Make sure to roll the fruit in your hands to get it all loose and juicy. Then, cut off each end of the grapefruit at the navel. Now cut a hole or push through the center to create an opening that will accommodate his shaft (not too big, not too small). Before we get to the action, safety first. Ask your partner if they have a citrus allergy, you don’t want to discover that in the heat of the moment. Using a condom is also recommended, not just because safe sex is sexy and prevents disease and infection, but it can also prevent irritation and stinging. 

To introduce the grapefruit into the bedroom, it has often been recommended to surprise or blindfold your partner as to not put them off, but we never recommend anything that isn’t consensual. If they’ve consented to being surprised, then awesome, if not, discuss this little adventure with your partner first. A blindfold can still be fun to incorporate just make sure as always, it’s consensual.

Now to the action, get your partner hard. It can be a good idea to engage in other foreplay that isn’t in direct contact with his member to avoid any pre-fruit friction but as long he’s at attention you’re good to go. Next apply the condom and slip the fruit on. Twist the fruit up and down the shaft while giving him a blowjob simultaneously until he reaches his epic moment. Congratulations, you just grape fruited your partner. 

*Tip: Don’t skip the clean up!

This technique can be a sexy, juicy mess so you may want to have towels down or handy and shower immediately afterwards. Make sure your partner gets good and cleaned up and pat dry to avoid any irritation.

Just remember to take it slow and have a kinky good time.  

There are so many awesome ways to use and incorporate food and especially fruit into the bedroom but for this article we’re going to focus on the grapefruit. That’s right grape fruiting, pioneered by Auntie Angel, this is a blowjob technique that is said to be mind blowing. 

What is it? 

Simply put. It involves sliding a grapefruit up and down a man’s shaft while giving him a blowjob. It is said to embody the feeling of both sex and a blowjob, all at the same time.

How does it work?

First, get that grapefruit ready. The fruit should mimic a mouth or a vagina so Angel recommends a room or warmer temperature, to achieve this effect. Let the grapefruit sit and become room temperature and then run the grapefruit under warm water. Make sure to test it to make sure it’s not too hot. Using the microwave isn’t recommended due to uneven or overheating because after all, you don’t want to make your encounter hot that way (ouch). Others who have tried the technique have also suggested refrigerated may be the way to go, but Angel says that could make the experience a real miss for your partner. Make sure to roll the fruit in your hands to get it all loose and juicy. Then, cut off each end of the grapefruit at the navel. Now cut a hole or push through the center to create an opening that will accommodate his shaft (not too big, not too small). Before we get to the action, safety first. Ask your partner if they have a citrus allergy, you don’t want to discover that in the heat of the moment. Using a condom is also recommended, not just because safe sex is sexy and prevents disease and infection, but it can also prevent irritation and stinging. 

To introduce the grapefruit into the bedroom, it has often been recommended to surprise or blindfold your partner as to not put them off, but we never recommend anything that isn’t consensual. If they’ve consented to being surprised, then awesome, if not, discuss this little adventure with your partner first. A blindfold can still be fun to incorporate just make sure as always, it’s consensual.

Now to the action, get your partner hard. It can be a good idea to engage in other foreplay that isn’t in direct contact with his member to avoid any pre-fruit friction but as long he’s at attention you’re good to go. Next apply the condom and slip the fruit on. Twist the fruit up and down the shaft while giving him a blowjob simultaneously until he reaches his epic moment. Congratulations, you just grape fruited your partner. 

*Tip: Don’t skip the clean up!

This technique can be a sexy, juicy mess so you may want to have towels down or handy and shower immediately afterwards. Make sure your partner gets good and cleaned up and pat dry to avoid any irritation.

Just remember to take it slow and have a kinky good time.  

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Let’s Get Deep https://freethekink.com/lets-get-deep/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lets-get-deep https://freethekink.com/lets-get-deep/#respond Wed, 26 Feb 2020 05:43:20 +0000 https://freethekink.com/?p=541 Between porn and all the information out there on the internet, deepthroating can be intimidating for many. What if I throw up? What if it won’t go down there? Will I be able to breathe? Never fear, your deep throating friend is here. This is just a quick look at training up and giving deep...

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Between porn and all the information out there on the internet, deepthroating can be intimidating for many. What if I throw up? What if it won’t go down there? Will I be able to breathe? Never fear, your deep throating friend is here. This is just a quick look at training up and giving deep throating a real go.

Get a Gaggle of Practice

The gag reflex, the nemesis of the deep throat. With time and practice, this foe can be conquered. First off, explore your gag reflex. With a finger or as most suggest, your toothbrush, slowly push it towards the back of your throat. You don’t want to make yourself gag, you just want to push the toothbrush to the edge of gagging. Hold it there for as long as possible without making yourself gag. Now that you know where that threshold is, you can train it. Twice a day, with your toothbrush (or finger), push towards the back of your throat and try to suppress the gag reflex. Hold it back there, without moving it in and out for a few seconds at a time. Remember to breathe through your nose while practicing and before you know it, you’ll see a difference. You’ll  be able to hold the toothbrush back there longer and your gag reflex won’t be nearly as sensitive. Now that you know where your gag reflex is and how to tame it, let’s take that practice to the next level. Try it on something a bit bigger and phallic in shape. Let me stop you right here, even though it’s one of the objects most widely depicted when you look at deep throating, I strongly advise against the use of a banana and really most phallic shaped food. Why? Quite simply, they have the potential to break off and become lodged in the throat. You can see the headline now, “Individual dies after fellatio practice goes wrong” and you don’t want to be part of it, so when practicing, stick to something more solid that won’t break off. A jelly dildo works great. Now that your gag reflex isn’t as sensitive, just like with the toothbrush, ease it towards the back of the throat.  When you feel the stoping point, you may gag but keep going and make a yawn, opening the mouth and extending the tongue flat and slightly out. The positioning of the throat and tongue are perfect when make a yawn, allowing your throat to open up. Practice breathing through your nose and just being comfortable with the feeling. Now, try slowly moving it back and forth. Stay calm, this new element might induce enough gagging at first to make you hurl, don’t worry, that’s what the practice is for. Try, try, try again. It can take time to be able to get to the point where you are comfortable and not coughing and gagging. Don’t rush, remain calm, and just keep breathing using some of these techniques below.

Learn to Breathe

It seems so easy, inhale then exhale, but with your man or a dildo inside your throat, it’s just a little different. You’ve tamed that gag reflex and have practiced keeping it in check, now let’s talk about breathing when the rhythm really gets going. First, breathing through your nose is important, but what happens if your man is blocking the airway when he’s inside? Remember deepthroating is only a part of the overall blowjob package, you don’t want to just keep his penis in your throat until you turn blue, that’s no fun for anyone. Practice taking breaths through your nose as you move your mouth up his penis. What if you need a breath while you’re down there? Don’t panic, relax and smile. Yes, make a smile, this will open up the sides of your mouth, allowing you to get a breath.

Get into position

When you’re ready to put all that practice into action, find a good position. While you can deepthroat in all types of positions, there are a few which make you feel more naturally open. One of the most popular positions is to lie flat on the back with the head off the edge of the bed. Other positions like 69 or kneeling in front of your man, can be good because it can allow you to face the penis towards the throat. However height differences can make these a little tricky. You really want to experiment and see what works best for you and for the shape of your man.

Get Wet

Making sure there’s plenty of lubrication going on is very important. After all what fun is the slip n’ slide without any water? Generally this isn’t an issue because deepthroating causes a lot of saliva. You just want to make sure you’re working up to deep throating while giving a blowjob, not trying to just start off with it. 

This is not a comprehensive guide to deepthroating, just a place to start your journey. Remember not to rush it, practice, breathe and have an amazing time.

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Dining at the Y https://freethekink.com/dining-at-the-y/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dining-at-the-y https://freethekink.com/dining-at-the-y/#respond Mon, 24 Feb 2020 05:36:14 +0000 https://freethekink.com/?p=538 It amazes still me after all this time when I hear guys say, “I don’t eat pussy.” Or when women say that their man doesn’t eat them out. This is a mistake gentleman,  because unless your girl just hates the whole thing, you’re missing out and more importantly so is she, big time. Remember that...

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It amazes still me after all this time when I hear guys say, “I don’t eat pussy.” Or when women say that their man doesn’t eat them out. This is a mistake gentleman,  because unless your girl just hates the whole thing, you’re missing out and more importantly so is she, big time. Remember that every vagina is different and you need to get to know each one, or at least the one, intimately to really get it right. But here are some steps to help you along.

First it’s important to know that a vagina can be intimidating. Even after seeing hundreds of them, a new one can still send nervous chills down your spine. After all, you’re trying to make a good impression here. It is also important to remember that according to some studies 75% of women do not reach orgasm from penetration alone. 

Now down to the goods:

1. Mindset. I know it may seem silly, but your mindset is important. You have to be confident and collected. If you’re nervous, how is she supposed to relax?

2. Take your time. It’s an all day buffet, so don’t rush it. Guys sometimes jump on in like it’s a chore that has to get done as soon as possible. This is not a race and the prize belongs to the tortoise in this story. 

3. Hit it all on your way down. Neck, tits, belly, all of it. 

4. Don’t touch right away. Now that your there, it’s time…to not touch yet. 

5. Skip the interrogation. You want her to relax completely. Don’t ask her questions, you don’t need that kind of verbal feedback. 

6. Start with your warm breath. Blow warm air over her vagina without touching it. 

7. Love the thighs. Kiss and lightly nibble her inner thighs. 

8. Go all the way down. Don’t forget the knees, especially the backs. This is typically a super sensitive area. If you like feet, give those toes a suck. 

9. Back up. Work your way back up to her vagina, hitting all the spots again. 

10. Blow her. Now… begin blowing your warm air again on her vagina. NOT inside of her just outside. 

11. Everywhere but there. Kiss all around her pussy without actually touching it. By now, she should be getting very excited. 

12. Now touch. With wet fingers spread her labias apart and begin kissing the outer labia. 

13. Lick it. Make your tongue flat and begin licking her labia from the bottom, working your way up. Then, return to the bottom using the tip of your tongue. 

14. Suck the lips. Take her inner lips gently in your mouth and begin to slowly and gently suck on them. 

15. Go inside. As you make your way down, enter her vagina with your tongue. Keeping your tongue flat and as stiff as possible, slowly moving in and out. Then, curl your tongue upwards and run your tongue along the top of the inner wall. 

**At this point, you will notice we have not touched her clit yet. (If you don’t know, the clit is the little man in the top of the boat.) After spending time on the above steps, it’s time to move into direct clit stimulation. (Some women have very sensitive clits and you will need to be aware of this. If they have an overly sensitive clit, you may actually cause pain or discomfort.) 

16. Expose the clit. Use a finger to gently push the hood up to reveal the clit.

17. Kiss it. With the clit exposed, gently put you mouth and lips on the clit. 

18. Suck it. Place your tongue under the clit while putting your mouth and lips around and above the clit. Begin an upward licking on the bottom of the clit, while lightly sucking to create a suction like feeling. 

19. The sidelines. The sides of the clit need attention too. Lick in a firm and smooth circular motion going around the clit. This typically provides a nice sensation. 

20. Harder. As you continue, pressure should gradually increase. 

21. Get it all. The art of cunnilingus involves the entire pussy, not just one part. Use circular motions and figure 8s. Don’t neglect the taint.

22. Use your fingers but gently. For added sensation, you can use your fingers in conjunction with your tongue. If your feeling like you’ve found your rhythm, go for the G. Insert two fingers, about roughly an inch or two, and make a come hither motion. Make sure your nails are trimmed and not jagged. 

23. Now here comes the tricky part. As I said earlier all vaginas are different and each one will have it’s perfect spot with the perfect pressure. Whether it be with your tongue alone or in combination with your fingers, use the signals that she gives, such as body movement, moans and other actions to find her spot. Once you get the right spot and she is on her way to climax, stay focused. Any change or interruption can really mess it up for a woman. You can be right there and even a slight change in pressure can keep her from that magical O. If this happens, just keep calm and keep going. Keep in mind what works and what doesn’t. 

24. We’re not finished. Just because “you” think she’s done, don’t stop. There is nothing worse than being right there and then not obtaining the O. Keep going, letting her and her body language tell you when she’s done. 

25. Eat and repeat. Remember that women can receive multiple orgasms and if you can take her there, do it. Trust me she will grab you by the hair or try and squish your head with her knees when she’s had enough. (I personally love when she’s quivering all over begging me to stop. That’s the best.) 

Remember that repeating steps is a good thing and please understand that this is a basic introduction and not an advanced “how to guide.” Take your time, discover what steps drive her wild and enjoy it. I love nothing more than dining at the y and I hope you will as well.

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